getting a result like:Sketchpad Explorer is available from the <a href="" target="itunes_store"> <img src="" height="15px" width="61px" /> </a>
where the image was unnecessarily copied from one created with to the local server.
In Flash, there were two issues:
- A phantom underline preceded the image as the result of a <u> tag surrounding the <a>...<img /> tags
- The topic list, a feature only of the mathclips tool tab, appeared next to the image and not below it, despite <br /> tags. This is due to Flash floating images.
The wrapping issue was solved using an idea from Panax and StyleSheets and the underline issue was solved by creating a blueNoUnderline class.
The StyleSheet is created in code as follows:
var myStyleSheet:TextField.StyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet();
myStyleSheet.setStyle("a", {color:'#0000FF', textDecoration:'underline'});
myStyleSheet.setStyle(".blueNoUnderline", {color:'#0000FF', textDecoration:'none'});
myStyleSheet.setStyle(".imageSpacer30", {fontSize:30});
The htmlText is massaged to wrap the <img /> tag inside a <p> tag (red text below). The dummy paragraph suggested by Panax is added (green text below). The blueNoUnderline class is added to the <a> tag to avoid a bit of underlined space (blue text below).
The necessity to precede the "blueNoUnderline" name with period in the setStyle was a late discovery as I did not see it any of the examples I looked at. For a while, I was convinced that StyleSheets read from .css files were the only ones that worked.Sketchpad Explorer is available from the <a href='' target='itunes_store' class='blueNoUnderline'> <p> <img src='' width='61px' height='15px' /> </p> </a> <p class='imageSpacer30'></p> <br /> <p><font size=\"10\">(Geometry, Measurement, Simulations)</font></p>